Your team of four simultaneously achieves a Streak of three consecutive correct answers.Your team of four achieved a simultaneous Streak of three consecutive correct answers.10
Trivia Fanatic
Answer a total of 500 questions.Answered a total of 500 questions.30
Golden Century
Answer a total of 100 questions correctly.Answered a total of 100 questions correctly.25
Hair Trigger
Get three consecutive questions right while receiving an Instant Answer Bonus for each.Got three consecutive questions right while receiving an Instant Answer Bonus for each.15
Quick Draw
In a single round, receive six consecutive Instant Answer Bonuses.In a single round, received six consecutive Instant Answer Bonuses.25
Go Streaking!
In a single round, achieve a Streak of five consecutive correct answers.In a single round, achieved a Streak of five consecutive correct answers.15
Game Show Guru
In any single round, achieve a Streak of 12 consecutive correct answers.In a single round, achieved a Streak of 12 consecutive correct answers.25
Quarter Century
Answer a total of 25 questions correctly.Answered a total of 25 questions correctly.10
Speedy Delivery
In a single round, score a total of 1300 points through time bonuses.In a single round, scored a total of 1300 points through time bonuses.20
Safe Keeping
Extended Play: In a single round, save up the maximum of three Skips.Extended Play: In a single round, saved up the maximum of three Skips.10
Showboating Specialist
In a single 1 vs 100 Live round, max out your Avatar Action 10 times.In a single 1 vs 100 Live round, maxed out your Avatar Action 10 times.10
Low Rider
Answer instantly and incorrectly three times in a row.Answered instantly and incorrectly three times in a row.5