Achieve a Ring Out during a Crossfire matchAchieved a Ring Out during a Crossfire match20
Achieve 10 grapple kills in a Crossfire matchAchieved 10 grapple kills in a Crossfire match20
Flapjack Master
Achieve a pancake on an opposing player using the Gunner's Ground Slam abilityAchieved a pancake on an opposing player using the Gunner's Ground Slam ability20
Achieve Most Valuable Player in a Crossfire MatchAchieved Most Valuable Player in a Crossfire Match20
Complete "The Scramble" Blitz modeCompleted "The Scramble" Blitz mode20
Caught 'em Nappin'
Achieve a kill on an opposing player while they are upgrading skills in a Crossfire matchAchieved a kill on an opposing player while they were upgrading skills in a Crossfire match20
Achieve a Triple KillAchieved a Triple Kill20
Avatar Awards
Monday Night Combat T-Shirt
Complete Monday Night Combat "Exhibition" Blitz modeCompleted Monday Night Combat "Exhibition" Blitz mode
Monday Night Combat T-Shirt
Complete Monday Night Combat "Exhibition" Blitz modeCompleted Monday Night Combat "Exhibition" Blitz mode
Mascot Mask
Meet the Mascot in Monday Night Combat TutorialMet the Mascot in Monday Night Combat Tutorial