Complete a game of DogfightCompleted a game of Dogfight5
Earn gold medals on all Defense Missions (Headquarters, Big Guns, and Reconnaissance).Earned gold medals on all Defense Missions (Headquarters, Big Guns, and Reconnaissance).10
Earn gold medals on all Assault Missions (Bully Fight, Zeppeligeddon, and Bombs Away).Earned gold medals on all Assault Missions (Bully Fight, Zeppeligeddon, and Bombs Away).10
Earn gold medals on all Navigation Missions (Ring Race, Birds of War, and Follow the Leader).Earned gold medals on all Navigation Missions (Ring Race, Birds of War, and Follow the Leader).10
Big Guns
Earn 100 kills from the TurretEarned 100 kills from the Turret15
Complete any mode with 20+ kills and no deaths (Multiplayer Only).Completed any mode with 20+ kills and no deaths (Multiplayer Only).15