Get seven fist kills in the game.Punched seven enemies to death.7
They're Everywhere!Slaughtered 77 Bobs.14
11th Clan of the S'pht
Venture into the Citadel and learn the secrets of the S'pht.Completed the Citadel.27
Pfhor the Win
Complete the Single player game in any difficulty.Beat the game.42
Tastes Like Chicken
Get 20 Tozt-7 kills in a Multiplayer game.Toasted 20 opponents.10
Pfhor Score and Seven Years Ago
Win a Multiplayer game.Won a Multiplayer game.10
I'm Invincible!
Kill an invincible opponent with the Fusion Pistol in a Multiplayer game.Killed an invincible opponent.10
Make Someone Pay
Get 20 Rocket Launcher kills in a Multiplayer game.Spank'd 20 opponents.
Bigger Guns Nearby
Find the Assault Rifle in a Single player or Co-Op Game, it will let you kill more Pfhor.Got the Assault Rifle.14
Hats off to 819
The secret of 2401 lies within.Read every single terminal in the game.21
I give no secrets.Punched all switches, played on Total Carnage and never ever left a single Bob alive.35
World Domination
You want to join the 7th Column?You are a member of the 7th Column.0
Thing What Kicks
Kill a Juggernaut in Survival and live to tell the tale.Killed a Juggernaut in Survival and lived to tell the tale.20
King Pfhor a Day
Outscore all the other players (at least 3) combined in a KOTH or KTMWTB game.Outscored every other player combined in King of the Hill or Kill the Man With the Ball.10
You Think You're Big Time
Win a multiplayer game with at least 4 players in every map in the Total Carnage Netmap Pack.Won a multiplayer game in every map in the Total Carnage Netmap Pack.20