Complete all class training sessionsComplete all class training sessions20
Top Dog
Finish with the highest point total in any Versus match (minimum six players)Finish with the highest point total in any Versus match (minimum six players)10
Customise all slots of any primary weaponCustomise all slots of any primary weapon10
Here to Help
Perform 10 climbs with your teammates in Co-opPerform 10 climbs with your teammates in Co-op10
Doctor in the House
Revive teammates 10 times in Co-op or VersusRevive teammates 10 times in Co-op or Versus10
Generous to a Fault
As a Rifleman, hand out 10,000 bullets to teammates in Co-op or VersusAs a Rifleman, hand out 10,000 bullets to teammates in Co-op or Versus10
Watch Your Step
Get 30 kills with claymores or mines in Co-op or VersusGet 30 kills with claymores or mines in Co-op or Versus10
Cooking up a Storm
Win 10 Storm matchesWin 10 Storm matches20
Team Player
Complete any Co-op mission while playing as part of a ClanComplete any Co-op mission while playing as part of a Clan10
Shock and Awe
Kill a Heavy Gunner using Defibrilators in any Co-op missionKill a Heavy Gunner using Defibrilators in any Co-op mission10