Save the game with 50 or more officers unlocked.Save the game with 50 or more officers unlocked.20
Available officers - 60
Save the game with 60 or more officers unlocked.Save the game with 60 or more officers unlocked.20
Available officers - 70
Save the game with 70 or more officers unlocked.Save the game with 70 or more officers unlocked.20
Available officers - 80
Save the game with 80 or more officers unlocked.Save the game with 80 or more officers unlocked.20
Available officers - 90
Save the game with 90 or more officers unlocked.Save the game with 90 or more officers unlocked.20
All officers available
Save the game with all officers unlocked.Save the game with all officers unlocked.80
Treasure acquired - 10
Save the game with at least 10 treasures acquired.Save the game with at least 10 treasures acquired.30
Treasure acquired - 20
Save the game with at least 20 treasures acquired.Save the game with at least 20 treasures acquired.30
All treasure acquired
Save the game with all treasures acquired.Save the game with all treasures acquired.80
Ability level 30
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 30 or higher.Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 30 or higher.20
Ability level 60
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 60 or higher.Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 60 or higher.20
Ability level 90
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 90 or higher.Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 90 or higher.20
Ability level 120
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 120 or higher.Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 120 or higher.20
Ability level 150
Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 150 or higher.Save the game with the total level of acquired abilities at 150 or higher.20
Level four weapon acquisition
Save the game after acquiring the fourth weapon.Save the game after acquiring the fourth weapon.40
Clear Shu storyline
Save the game after clearing the Shu storyline.Save the game after clearing the Shu storyline.40
Clear Wei storyline
Save the game after clearing the Wei storyline.Save the game after clearing the Wei storyline.40
Clear Wu storyline
Save the game after clearing the Wu storyline.Save the game after clearing the Wu storyline.40
Clear SW storyline
Save the game after clearing the SW storyline.Save the game after clearing the SW storyline.40
Clear Orochi storyline
Save the game after clearing the Orochi storyline.Save the game after clearing the Orochi storyline.40
Dream Mode - 6 cleared
Save the game after clearing at least 6 Dream Mode scenarios.Save the game after clearing at least 6 Dream Mode scenarios.30
Dream Mode - 12 cleared
Save the game after clearing at least 12 Dream Mode scenarios.Save the game after clearing at least 12 Dream Mode scenarios.30
Dream Mode - 18 cleared
Save the game after clearing at least 18 Dream Mode scenarios.Save the game after clearing at least 18 Dream Mode scenarios.30
Dream Mode - 24 cleared
Save the game after clearing at least 24 Dream Mode scenarios.Save the game after clearing at least 24 Dream Mode scenarios.30
Dream Mode - all cleared
Save the game after clearing all Dream Mode scenarios.Save the game after clearing all Dream Mode scenarios.80
Survival Mode victory
Save the game after recording at least 1 win in Survival Mode.Save the game after recording at least 1 win in Survival Mode.40
All difficulties cleared
Save the game after clearing all Story Mode and Dream Mode scenarios at all difficulties.Save the game after clearing all Story Mode and Dream Mode scenarios at all difficulties.100