Now, go breathe some fresh air!Now, go breathe some fresh air!40
Hello, world!
In free ride, go from Offshore Shack Camp to Tsunami Reef Camp without resorting to the chopper.In free ride, go from Offshore Shack Camp to Tsunami Reef Camp without resorting to the chopper.15
Born under a lucky star
Win your first Star in career mode.Win your first Star in career mode.15
Open your eyes
Find and contemplate a Vista Point.Find and contemplate a Vista Point.15
Here comes a new challenger!
Win a challenge.Win a challenge.15
Create a race using the race editor.Create a race using the race editor.15
All your camps are belong to us
Unlock all 19 camps for great justice!Unlock all 19 camps for great justice!30
Humble beginnings
Win all three Stars on ‘Riders on the Storm’.Win all three Stars on ‘Riders on the Storm’.15
Path to glory
Win all three Stars on ‘Twisted Minds’.Win all three Stars on ‘Twisted Minds’.15
Under the limelight
Win all three Stars on ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’.Win all three Stars on ‘All’s Well That Ends Well’.15
One of each, please!
Own at least one vehicle of each type.Own at least one vehicle of each type.15
Hobbyist collector
Own 10 vehicles.Own 10 vehicles.15
Regular collector
Own 40 vehicles.Own 40 vehicles.15
Obsessional collector
Own all 74 vehicles.Own all 74 vehicles.30
Hobbyist sightseer
Find and contemplate 10 Vista Points.Find and contemplate 10 Vista Points.15
Regular sightseer
Find and contemplate 50 Vista Points.Find and contemplate 50 Vista Points.15
Obsessional sightseer
Find and contemplate all 95 Vista Points.Find and contemplate all 95 Vista Points.30
Hobbyist stargazer
Win 40 Stars in career mode.Win 40 Stars in career mode.15
Regular stargazer
Win 120 Stars in career mode.Win 120 Stars in career mode.30
Obsessional stargazer
Win all 216 Stars in career mode.Win all 216 Stars in career mode.90